Pronto un altro aggiornamento per
Tweetian, il client Twitter per tutti i device Symbian MeeGo.
le potenti librerie QT/QML pone rimedio a diversi bug fix,
migliorando l'uso dell’applicazione. A seguire il
- Fixed the back button become disable after clicking into a tweet in Belle FP1
- Fixed non-Latin characters becomes question marks (?) when uploading image with Twitter
- It will now remember the last image upload service that you used
- Fixed the tweets become stacking and overlaying each other (Let me know if still exists)
- Enabled predictive text when writing new tweet
- Huge improvement to maps:
- You can panning around the map
- Pitch to zoom in or zoom out
- Added a “location mark” to indicate the tweet location
- Added a slider to zoom if you don’t like pitch zooming
- Able to open location with Nokia Maps app
- When choosing image to upload, you can preview that image using native gallery app
Potete effettuare il download di
Tweetian gratuitamente, e come detto sopra la compatibilità
è garantita per tutti i device Symbian^3, Anna e Nokia Belle
e per MeeGo. Mentre per procedere all'aggiornamento, accedete dal
vostro smartphone su Nokia Store.
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