domenica 17 febbraio 2013

Tweetian per Symbian e MeeGo si aggiorna!

L’applicazione Tweetian per le piattaforme Symbian e MeeGo arriva alla versione 1.8.

Come è accaduto nella versione precedente, in questa release le novità sono tante, come avrete modo di vedere nel corposo changelog rilasciato dall’autore che segue. [...]
Changelog Tweetian v1.8:

  • Move to Twitter API 1.1
  • Minimum auto refresh frequency increase to 5 mins because of the rate limit of Twitter API 1.1 (use of streaming is recommanded)
  • Show retweets and favourites count for each tweet
  • Improve search UI
  • Remove the search dialog, replace with a “universal” search text field
  • tweets search and user search put together in the search page with a swipe based interface
  • the “universal” search text field also support quickly search for a user (that is cached in the autocompleter)
  • Improve the margins between contents
  • Display a text when the translations service free quota is used up
  • Backend has been rewritten
  • Disable loading of thumbnails when the app is in offline mode
  • Add new language translations but some of it is not complete (please help to complete the translations at Transifex!)
  • Bugs fix:
  • Fix the font colour in user page not change properly when in white theme
  • Fix some texts are not translated for non-English language
  • Fix the timeline/mentions/DM columns will stuck half way when switching columns using the tab buttons above
  • Fix the last word will dropped after sent a tweet/DM
Il download di Tweetian è gratuito, ed è compatibile con tutti i device Symbian^3, Anna, Belle ( clicca qui ) e MeeGo ( clicca qui ) .

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