venerdì 9 agosto 2013

Nokia pone fine e completa l’acquisizione del 100% di Nokia Siemens Networks!

Nokia pone fine e completa l’acquisizione del 100% di Nokia Siemens Networks! Fino ad oggi tale acquisizione è stata gestita in joint venture con l’azienda tedesca, cambiandone il brand in Nokia Solutions and Networks.
Nokia Solutions and Networks

Come già detto lo scorso 1° Luglio, l’acquisizione è stata portata a termine con una spesa del 1,7 miliardi di Dollari da parte di Nokia, per il controllo in toto dell’azienda leader mondiale nel settore della banda larga mobile.
Fiore all’occhiello del colosso finlandense, la nuova nata Nokia Solutions and Networks continua ad incrementare redditività e ad espandersi in tutti i mercati mondiali.
“Mentre il nostro nome e il marchio sono cambiati, vorrei sottolineare che la nostra strategia globale e la nostra attenzione per la banda larga mobile rimangono gli stessi”, ha dichiarato Rajeev Suri, CEO di NSN.
“L’annuncio di oggi è un nuovo capitolo nella nostra storia di trasformazione, e continueremo a rafforzare l’azienda come entità indipendente con l’obiettivo di darle stabilità e continuità”.
Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale:
Nokia Siemens Networks, the world’s mobile broadband specialist, today becomes Nokia Solutions and Networks and is now known as NSN. The new name reflects NSN’s change of ownership following Nokia’s acquisition of Siemens’ entire 50 percent stake, which was announced on July 1, 2013, and completed today. Nokia Solutions and Networks is wholly owned by Nokia and will continue to be consolidated by Nokia. As announced by Nokia, Rajeev Suri will continue as CEO and the NSN Executive Board will remain unchanged as a result of the transaction. Unveiling the new name, NSN renewed its commitment to driving leadership in the mobile broadband sector and to operating as a more independent entity.
“While our name and brand have changed, I would like to emphasize that our overall strategy and our focus on mobile broadband remain the same,” said Rajeev Suri, CEO of NSN. “Our customers will not notice any difference in our unstinting commitment to delivering superior technology and services across the world. Today’s announcement is, however, an exciting new chapter in our transformation story.”
When announcing the transaction, Nokia stated its intention to “continue to strengthen the company as a more independent entity”. NSN, therefore, sees continuity and stability as major goals in the change of ownership, and is committed to pressing on with its strategy.
NSN’s strong profitability, shown in Nokia’s Q2 results published on July 18, 2013, is testament to the success of that strategy and the increased efficiency of the company. As already reported by Nokia, NSN has delivered four consecutive quarters of strong profitability, positioning the company well for strong long-term leadership in the industry. The turnaround strategy, announced in November 2011, is therefore delivering solid results
NSN’s goal remains to develop profitable businesses with customers worldwide, deploying the ever-growing possibilities of universal connectivity and content.

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