In arrivo, prossimamente, molte novità per l'applicazione VLC che è stata aggiornata per tutti i dispositivi Windows Phone.
Grazie all'aggiornamento più recente che ha portato VLC alla versione numerata 1.8, sono state introdotte molte novità, sia per quanto riguarda gli utenti che gli sviluppatori.
Grazie a questo aggiornamento VLC adesso avrà il supporto ai colori personalizzati, nuove funzioni di controllo per lo zoom nel player video, la sincronizzazione delle impostazioni e tante altre funzioni.
A seguire il link per scaricare VLC direttamente dallo Store di Windows Phone.
Questo il changelod ufficiale rilasciato dal team di sviluppo di VLC 1.8:
- Translation system done !
- French language added, many others to come soon after this release
- Artist biographies are now saved
- Users can send feedback to help us improve the app! More about this below in the “For us” section.
- Added a (still work-in-progress) context menu in the video player, to reproduce the legacy VLC experience for desktop users who love the right-click.
- Custom accent color feature !
- Several buttons and texts are now bigger, easier to read on phones (see pictures below)
- Pivot headers look like Pivot headers (seriously, that’s important for WP users, so I changed the behavior)
- Slideshow updated with blur animations
- Added Video Player zoom options : Best Fit (the current zoom), Vertical Zoom
- (new), Horizontal Zoom (new)
- Update Video Player with some nice animations (tell us what you think of them!), and the controls disappear after 3 seconds
- Some settings are now synced between your devices, such as the colors (between Windows phones and Windows phones, and between Windows and Windows, not Windows phone between Windows for now unfortunately)
- Windows 10 Mobile handsets now use the W10 API to get the songs in the Music library, which is what we used since W8.1, and is way faster than the WP8.1 API.
- Fixed many bugs reported by our users, here are some of them
- Fixed duplicate CurrentTrack in the Playlist (caused to have two highlighted tracks)
- Fixed crash at launch when another app was sending a Stream that was considered by WinRT as a StorageFile
- A change in the LastFM API made VLC to download the low-res version of your artist pictures. Fixed !
- Slideshow is paused when the app is in the background
- Crashes at first launch when indexing and getting video thumbnails
- Minor UI fixes, such as margins and colors fixes
- Developers can open VLC using the vlc:// protocol. In v1.8, there’s only one action available : open stream. It takes three different patterns:
- vlc://openstream/?from=useraction
- VLC opens and shows a TextBox, and users can write or paste a URL.
- vlc://openstream/?from=url&url=YOUR_URL
- VLC opens a plays the URL given in the url parameter
- vlc://openstream/?from=clipboard
- VLC opens the URL found in the clipboard

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