WhatsApp vuole l'esclusiva e si arrabbia molto se scaricate applicazioni alternative. La sua gelosia è tale che se lo tradite vi bannerà. Gli sviluppatori, elenco in mano stanno bannando tutti gli account di utenti WhatsApp con applicazioni di terze parti.

I Ban hanno raggiunto anche l’Italia, comunque sembrano esserci stati solamente blocchi temporanei. Comunque non sfidate la fortuna se utilizzate un’applicazione alternativa a Whatsapp ed avete ancora l’account pienamente in funzione, il nostro consiglio è quello di disinstallare tutto e tornare alla versione Stock per non incorrere in un blocco temporaneo, mossa curiosa dell’azienda ma comunque intelligente dato che è ovvio che gli sviluppatori pretendono fedeltà dai propri utenti.
WhatsApp wants to get the exclusive and he gets angry if you download alternative applications. His jealousy is such that if the betrayed there bannera. Developers, list in hand are banning all user accounts WhatsApp with third-party applications.
The new policy of Whatsapp curbed the escape from its application. They were momentarily blocked accounts for all those who exploited their telephone number with alternative applications to the originals. Used Whatsapp Plus or Whatsapp Material Design? Better immediately uninstall applications and return to the original versions and if you do not do worth the BAN.
In many were seen appear the screen that we see here on the left and they seem to have received a 72-hour ultimatum and other 24 to return within the original, so that the developers seem to have been a warning well precise.
THE Ban has also reached Italy, however appear to have been only temporary. In any case not take a chance if you use an application alternative to Whatsapp and you still have the account fully running, our advice is to uninstall everything and return to Stock version so as not to incur a temporary block, moved curious of the company but still intelligent since it is obvious that the developers demand loyalty from its users.
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